
SKU: PWM-AN-024-1403 Categories: , , Tag:


The New Eagle PWM to Analog Converter converts PWM signals to proportional 0-5V analog signals. The converter is especially useful when paired with control modules with PWM outputs but no analog outputs.  This device is useful as a pedal emulator for various applications.

Safety Pulse Feature

The safety pulse feature is intended for vehicle pedal applications. This feature ensures that the original pedal signal (i.e the analog signal from the actual pedal) will pass thru the PWM to Analog box to the OEM ECU unimpeded in the event that the External Control Module (ECM) freezes or loses power. Even though this feature was primarily designed for vehicle pedal applications, a safety pulse signal must be present at the safety pulse input pin (pin 8) for the New Eagle PWM to Analog Converter to function. If no oscillating signal is present at this input pin, the Pass Thru signals (Pins 5, 6, & 7) will be routed through the box to the output pins (Pins 9, 10, 11). If the New Eagle PWM to Analog Converter loses power, then its output will default to the Pass Thru signals as well.

Closed Loop Feedback Control Software Library

Accuracy is heavily dependent on the design of the particular low side drive. If accuracy is required, close loop feedback is recommended. New Eagle offers a Feedback Control Software library that allows end users to accurately convert PWM signals into analog signals.

Replacement for PWM-AN-012-1301

Additional information



New Eagle



Weight 2 lbs

Data Sheet

Data Sheet

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